Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011
"God is the artist.Dazu fällt mir auch nichts mehr ein...
I just find the ninja turtle in his work."

Ein kleines, selbstgebasteltes Mashup-Video aus alten Cartoons der 20er und 30er Jahre. Track: Nosaj Thing - Us (Jon Hopkins Remix) - hier das Originalvideo

Schöne Geek-Hochzeitseinladungen von Larry T. Quach in Form von Super Mario NES Cartridges. Weitere Fotos gibt´s bei Hungeree.

Larry T. Quach helped his friends design a Mario-themed wedding invitation which looks like an Nintendo Entertainment System cartridge and opens up to reveal Mario and Princess Peach standing atop brick blocks. The images in the photo dump below are different sizes as they were originally uploaded by the photographer. The happy couple wed on October 8, 2011.

Here is the next generation of Floating Forecaster, the Floating Orchestra.
The Idea: 19 spheres come to life, as you become a supernatural conductor. Each ball becomes an orchestral instrument that increases in volume as it physically rises. You can create your own soundscape whilst the balls levitate and dance to the music.