Samstag, 17. März 2012

Da schliesse ich mich nicorola an - das Video dazu passt auch wie die Faust auf´s Auge:
"Was für ein verdammter Brocken. Ein Bastard. Ein Bassmonster. Großartig!"

 Von mir um 21:42h in musique
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Nach dem "Shit I gotta fucking get done" Notebook, hier das neueste Werk.
Gibt´s ebenfalls für $9,95 bei Cool Material:

 Von mir um 17:02h in gadgets
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Freitag, 16. März 2012
And one mix for the night...

Treepod - The 3rd Branch - Daniel Bortz by Treepods
The third installment of the Treepods.

Daniel Bortz will take you on a journey of fresh cut bass-lines, space wondering synths and vocals that make you sit up and smile.

Climb the ladders up to the Treepod, sit back, munch on a space cake and listening to these sounds that will mature your ears.

 Von mir um 01:15h in musique
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Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

 Von mir um 23:35h in dies & das
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A boy left his bike chained to a tree when he went away to war in 1914. He never returned, leaving the tree no choice but to grow around the bike.
Photographer Unknown

 Von mir um 23:33h in dies & das
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Ein paar Impressionen von meinem Kurzurlaub in Berlin.
In diesem Flickr-Set gibt´s alle Fotos.

 Von mir um 20:42h in fotografie
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So selbstironisch kennt man Microsoft normalerweise nicht:

Have you ever told your parents they had to stop using Internet Explorer? Well, with a better browser and a cute cat, maybe it is time to reconsider.

 Von mir um 20:12h in gadgets
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Genau der richtige Soundtrack für den Nachmittag:

Kiki @ Noice! March 2012 by Kiki (Official}

Noice! on Proton Radio with Kiki on 14th of March 2012. Full tracklisting at

 Von mir um 16:06h in musique
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Mittwoch, 14. März 2012
Combine the best band in France right now, acclaimed director Daniel Wolfe, production by Somesuch & Co, and one of the hottest young actors on the planet and you're sure to get a banging filmclip.
We scored the world premiere of The Shoes newest video which features Jake Gyllenhaal as a disturbed killing machine who chases his victims up fire escapes, into back alleys, and through strip clubs before he violently slays them.

 Von mir um 15:49h in musique
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Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

» via

 Von mir um 01:51h in dies & das
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