Dienstag, 7. April 2009
Tolles Projekt und beeindruckend intime (Schnappschuss)-Photos, die normalerweise in keinem Portfolio auftauchen - issue #2 is gerade frisch als PDF draussen:
» via pixelgangster
ROMKA is a magazine for photography and features international amateurs, students and professionals.
The idea behind it is to create a showcase for pictures that are not necessarily a representative excerpt of your work, but your most favorite pictures. These could of course be part of your portfolio, but also private pictures of your friends and family, snapshots, those that make you laugh or cry or the ones you can't even remember taking.
This is not about self-portrayal, not about technical perfection or fancy topics. This is not about style.

Carlito Schilirò, JapanP.S.: issue #1 ist natürlich mindestens genauso grossartig!
I‘ve been photographing Maria for exactly 10 years now trying to follow her through every mood, her ups and downs. There‘s a whole world inside of her and there‘s even more hidden behind her eyes. Because eyes, her eyes are everything to me. My lifetime project revolves around her.
» via pixelgangster
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