Mittwoch, 11. August 2010
One for the night: Clicks, Blips´n´Beeps und experimentielles Geknarze im Überfluss gibt´s im aktuellen "Electric Deluxe Podcast #24".

Electric Deluxe Podcast 024 Kero by electric deluxe

Kero - Bent (Apparat remix) - Detund
Monolake - Perpetuum - Imbalance Computer Music
Kero - On acid again - Touchin' Bass
Re:group - Antichance (Punisher detroit remix) - Detund
Brotham States - Mr Kitschock
Kero - Groovy Tour - Kerohand
Moderat - Mode 2 - Bpitch control
Autechre - Pencha - Warp
Modeselektor - Dustin Der Kleene - Bpitch control
Direkt Jive - Peripheral Diversion - Detund
000 - Jabberwok v6 - Detund
Direkt Jive - Remind - Detund
Autechre - Tilapia - Warp
Apparat - Error 404 - Shitkatapult
Venetian snares - Find Candace - Hymen
Bitstream - Step Retrace - Touchin' bass
Phoenicia - Thong - Warp
RD - Cherpa - Touchin' Bass
Aphex Twin - Vaz Deferenz - Warp
Apparat - Bolz - Shitakatapult
Kero - B'ham bounce - Kerohand
Function vs Kero - kero-function (soundmurderer remix) - Detund
Kero - B'ham bounce (Punisher detroit remix) - Kerohand
Function vs Kero - Kero-Function - Detund
AFX - Acrid Avid - Warp
Autechre - Ilanders - Warp
Kero - bham bounce (Somfay iris remix) - Kerohand

» via De:Bug Podcast

 Von mir um 01:28h in musique
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