Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012
Sehr interessante Infografik von Hightable über die Entwicklung der Fotografie in unserem digitalen Zeitalter und der massiven Zunahme von Handybildern, durch Apps wie Instagram etc.

Snippet von Mashable - dort gibt´s auch die komplette Infografik:

Snippet von Mashable - dort gibt´s auch die komplette Infografik:
"You’ve probably noticed the trend in your own photo streams and news feeds. Mobile is rapidly edging out analog and even digital photography. In fact, the popularity of analog shooting has dropped a whopping 98% since 2000. And while it might have been all the rage a couple hundred years back, we’re now snapping as many photos every two minutes as humanity as a whole did in the 1800s."» via Design You Trust / Mashable
Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013, 00:05
That's an interesting infographic. With the rise of mobile phones fewer people are buying point-and-shoot cameras but the number of pictures taken every day continues to grow. Personally, I prefer a DSLR for quality shots but nothing beats a mobile phone for taking a quick snapshot and instantly sharing it on Facebook.
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