Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Hier der erste, wirklich vielversprechend aussehende Trailer zu Gangster Squad. Top besetzt mit u.a. Ryan Goslin, Michael Pena, Emma Stone, Josh Brolin, Sean Penn und Nick Nolte.

Zur Story:
Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes and--if he has his way--every wire bet placed west of Chicago. And he does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police and the politicians who are under his control. It's enough to intimidate even the bravest, street-hardened cop...except, perhaps, for the small, secret crew of LAPD outsiders led by Sgt. John O'Mara (Josh Brolin) and Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling), who come together to try to tear Cohen's world apart. "The Gangster Squad" is a colorful retelling of events surrounding the LAPD's efforts to take back their nascent city from one of the most dangerous mafia bosses of all time.
Release Date: 9th November, 2012
Genre: Drama
Director: Ruben Fleischer
Screenwriter: Will Beall
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Sean Penn
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

» via We like that

 Von mir um 15:29h in movies
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Na endlich ein Framework, dass auch cross-universe kompatibel ist! Html9ResponsiveBoilerstrapJS. What took them so long?

Oh, your head hasn't exploded yet? This should do it.
H9RBS.js (v0.0001) is a flexible, dependency-free, lightweight, device-agnostic, modular, baked-in, component framework MVC library shoelacestrap to help you kickstart your responsive CSS-based app architecture backbone kitchensink tweetybirds.
Lässt sich darüberhinaus wirklich leicht installieren:
Just attackclone the grit repo pushmerge, then rubygem the lymphnode js shawarma module – and presto!
» via Nerdcore

 Von mir um 12:44h in coding
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"You make that choice every day. Every day, you wake up, and you roll over to look at the stranger next to you, and you say, “Yeah, I choose you again.” Some days, that makes you happy. Some days, it makes you sad. Some days, you’re just resigned to it all.

But you keep making that choice because you have to and you have faith the stranger is making that choice too, is your partner in arms against everything the world has to throw at you.

Until they’re not. And you wonder what the fuck happened.
Aus dem "Whitecaps" Review (The Sopranos S4 / E13) von Todd VanDerWerff

 Von mir um 12:07h in dies & das
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MTV's Beastieography premiered on July 11th, 1998.

 Von mir um 02:14h in movies
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Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012
Tetra ist ein dekorativer Sans Serif Font von Alexey Frolov / MRfrukta.
Gibt´s hier in zwei Schnitten kostenlos zum Download:

» via Design you trust

 Von mir um 15:08h in resources
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Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012
Neuer Track von Four Tet - funktioniert eigentlich immer:

Jupiters by Four Tet

 Von mir um 00:58h in musique
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 Von mir um 16:11h in dies & das
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Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012
One for the night:

ALAN WILKIS - "Shadow (feat. Lyrics Born and White Hinterland)" [Music Video] from Lucky Branded Entertainment on Vimeo.

SHADOW is the second installment from PRINTS, a series of singles by Brooklyn-based recording artist and producer, Alan Wilkis. The song is a collaboration between Wilkis, Lyrics Born and White Hinterland.

 Von mir um 02:06h in musique
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Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012
Würde sich definitiv gut bei mir vor der Tür machen, nachdem irgendein Penner meine coole Snoopy-Fußmatte geklaut hat. Gibt´s bei Meninos für $49,90:

» via The Mag

 Von mir um 01:18h in gadgets
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"The gunman is useless."
I am the messenger / Der Joker (Markus Zusak)

Meine Wertung:

Aus der sporadisch aktualisierten Serie "Der erste Satz aus Büchern, die ich gerade zu Ende gelesen habe".

 Von mir um 00:14h in dies & das
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"Ein menschlicher Körper beginnt fünf Minuten nach dem Tod zu verwesen."
Die Chemie des Todes (Simon Beckett)

Meine Wertung:

Aus der sporadisch aktualisierten Serie "Der erste Satz aus Büchern, die ich gerade zu Ende gelesen habe".

 Von mir um 00:10h in dies & das
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