Donnerstag, 2. September 2010
Atemberaubender Kurzfim von Keiichi Matsuda, welcher die Themen Augmented Reality und 3D in einer nicht allzu weit entfernten Zukunft vereint. 3D-Brille (Rot/Cyan) aufsetzen und los geht´s:
Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology defined by its ability to overlay physical space with information. It is part of a paradigm shift that succeeds Virtual Reality; instead of disembodied occupation of virtual worlds, the physical and virtual are seen together as a contiguous, layered and dynamic whole. It may lead to a world where media is indistinguishable from 'reality'. The spatial organisation of data has important implications for architecture, as we re-evaluate the city as an immersive human-computer interface.

Augmented City 3D from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.

 Von mir um 21:03h in schöne neue welt
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This is the result of the Open Innovation experiment. It is an experience video showing the future of screen technology with stretchable screens, transparent screens and e-ink displays, to name a few.

 Von mir um 20:45h in gadgets
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A stickman "animatic" story of a cowboy doomed to villainy.
Music by Patricia Lee
Ford's comic -

 Von mir um 18:02h in movies
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