Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012
Make your New Year's resolution learning to code.
Sign up on Code Year to get a new interactive programming lesson sent to you each week and you'll be building apps and web sites before you know it.

 Von mir um 00:12h in coding
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Compilation of the last 100 years.
I tried to insert only the important events.
To not blow up the time frame, i had to leave out some more or less important events, i want to show.

 Von mir um 16:37h in schöne neue welt
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Die Fotoserie Upside Town hat wunderbar bearbeitete kaleidoskopische Fotos von Simon Gardiner zum Thema. Zum Teil sind diese auch laut eigener Aussage inspiriert vom Film Inception. Mehr davon gibt´s in seinem Flickr-Stream.

» via robotmafia

 Von mir um 01:26h in fotografie
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